Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Coming second isn't always bad

The image that accompanies this blog is Buzz Aldrin - the second man to walk on the moon. Almost everyone knows that Neil Armstrong was first, many can quote his words 'this us one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind'. Buzz was second - but what a second place to be! 

The challenge today is not to do what I want but to give the day entirely to someone else. In the main this will be Catherine, my wife.

Now here's the weird thing - she already had today planned out last week. The conversation started like this:

Catherine: you know we're off next week?
Me: yes, anything particular you want to do?
Catherine: no, there's nothing I need to do but I'll be going to George Steven Centre on Wednesday morning. I don't feel I can't go just because I'm on holiday.
Me: but we're off, they'll understand.
Catherine: but I can't not go, I must go.

Honestly I wasn't very pleased. We very rarely get uninterrupted holidays - especially with the easy access of emails etc, but, you see, Catherine has just undertaken a three month sabbatical cover as Chaplain at the George Steven Centre which caters for adults with learning difficulties. It is a ministry and a people that she loves. She's right - she couldn't not go because it's not work, it's ministry. Holidays and time off are not a right or a privilege, they are God's gift for Him to give or withold.

Within a few minutes I was over it - and it turns out Catherine had other thoughts for the rest of the day as well.

So today I will come second after my wife - and others as the day progresses - and I do so willingly knowing that the benefits of coming second are not all that bad after all. 

I know that often I'll get a buzz from not being first!

(Acknowledgement to Bake Designs for Buzz Aldrin inspiration!)

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