Sunday, 30 March 2014


Today is technically a 'rest' day in Lent.

For those fulfilling #40acts of generosity it is a good day to reflect or catch up, or make up your own generosity acts.

First some reflection for me.

Ok, I always look rough in the morning... Sorry not that sort of reflection.

Yesterday was a 'no screen, turn it off' day.

There was something of the revision about it: remember that day early in Lent when we had to really listen and engage with the people we met? What about the one where we had to really appreciate others? And then, of course, there was this week when we intentionally spoke to strangers. These were all wrapped up in yesterday. I ended up having some lovely conversations with people I had not met before. I also had some beautiful conversation with one of my sons and an ongoing one with my wife, Catherine. 

I felt there was a connection with people yesterday because I didn't even have my phone with me and so couldn't look at it and I could be totally present for them. Maybe it's all sinking in now.

Jesus never had a phone, or a tablet, or a PC, but he did spend time with people at a previously unknown depth - he spoke to people about their lives and set them out in a new way.

Maybe the 'no screen' thing should happen more often... 

(The fact you're reading this is ironic though don't you think?)

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