Wednesday, 1 April 2015

It's been a few days - but hey...

Yes, it's been a few days since is posted on here. Three are all sorts of reasons (not excuses - although for some they would sound like that). Principally it has been about just finding the headspace to get together a coherent thought that is both helpful (hopefully) and reflective of #40acts. Because, if you are just getting here now, that's what this latest series of posts has been about. A Lent season full of hope, help and generosity.

Another reason writing a post has been a challenge is that this years tasks have frequently been things I do as a matter of course. Nothing wrong in that but it's a bit boring to write 'did what I normally did today'! Not really helpful and not really in the spirit of the season either.

So I have spent quite a bit of time over the last weeks trying to think through, prayer and work through my relationships with other people. I don't mean those I necessarily have a relationship with but with humankind. What is my relationship with humankind really like?

Wow, that's a BIG question!

No real answers yet but a couple of reflections that, unsurprisingly, are echoed in today's task and particularly the short video posted on the website for #40acts

I have tried to focus on others not self.
I have tried to give rather than gain.
I have tried to respond rather than react. (There is a difference - think about it)
I have tried to listen rather than speak.

And none of these is easy for me as an activist / pragmatist.

Something else you need to know: the last few weeks have been incredibly demanding in terms of ministry, leadership and personal life. Things have occurred that I could not have foreseen, I have been under both attack and scrutiny and yet I find myself reflecting on this relationship with others that helps me to focus on God - seeing Him in them. And I do.

It may have been a while - but, from my point of view, it was probably necessary.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

We have it too easy...

Now here's a first: I had done this mornings task before it was issued!

One of the challenges of living in the West, being a church leader in Europe is that we have it very easy. Yes, you might argue there is the challenge of declining numbers, lack of engagement, staid worship. But we are not killed for our belief. We are not persecuted for being followers of Jesus. That's why on a regular basis I pray for the persecuted church. Those who in fear of life and limb, ridicule and exclusion still worship Jesus.

They hide away to do so, they have no books they can turn to for inspiration - least of all a Bible. Yet they remember the words of scripture that are written on their hearts. They repeat them as they occasionally meet in secret places.

They are blessed.

So I remember them in prayer in the comfort of my home knowing that my particular brand of Christianity benefits from public acclaim. I look at the hundreds of books that I frequently neglect - 90% of which are on faith themes, the hymn and music books that are well thumbed on relatively few pages and remember those who have none of these benefits. And I ask forgiveness for myself and my fellow Christians who have allowed our freedom to lead to a cheapening of blessing as we take it for granted.

The very least I can do is pray.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Hands up who would like to...

When I was a child I was one of those annoying children who was always eager to please. You know the sort, hand up straight away for any task that needed doing in school or in church. "Me Miss, Me Miss, pick me Miss" was the call of my life.

I am sure, at the time, I was really irritating to those around me. Even now the eagerness to please is still there it just comes with fifty years of wisdom to ensure I don't make a Wally of myself too often! 

Volunteering has become very much of our age. We are encouraged to offer an hour, a day, a week or a year to help others. And that's where the difference in my volunteering and the volunteers of today becomes apparent.

My volunteering was about others noticing me whereas real volunteering is about me noticing others - and then doing something to help them.

These days I rarely do any real volunteering - although I do work for a church and charity - but maybe the fact that today's #40acts task is about this means I should look for a long or short term to help others with no direct benefit to myself.

What about you?

Monday, 23 March 2015

Clive and David

#40acts today is about blessing the boss.

So here's my line managers - Clive and David.

Clive is originally from South Africa and has been my ultimate line manager for around two years, David, originally from Blackheath in the West Midlands, I have known for much longer (in fact my in laws were partly responsible for him responding to Gods vocation many years ago), and he is my direct line manager.

They are great guys. They are not perfect - and know it. We do not always agree. 

But they listen to God and strive to be His men - and for that I am grateful.

I pray for them and ask that God will use them and bless them - and I know that when they pray they pray for me and my colleagues. When my father in law went to heaven recently both of them rang within minutes of hearing this news. They hold me accountable and sometimes ask hard questions - they don't mind being asked hard questions in return.

Their ministry is not easy, they carry a heavy burden and I bless God for them.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Can I help?

In the last couple of years I have discovered a strong liking - a passion even for making things from scrap wood. So far I have created a garden table and bench, a tool rack an AV unit for one of our local churches, a tripod lamp, a shelf, three stool and a tea light holder.

There is something very special about doing something practical when it is not your everyday life. My efforts are not highly polished, they are basic and often flawed - but I have loved the moments of creativity and 'sleeves rolled up' attitude hat I need to have.

The pleasure is added to when they are given away.

Doing something for others is a fantastic way of feeling for them while also feeling better for ourselves. In itself it gives us a positive mental attitude as well as often seeing others out of a fix.

Today I am on the lookout for those to help - maybe with a build project or maybe just offering a hand of assistance in the moment (I'm already committed to taking someone to the airport at the end of our Mission Conference ). Maybe if I see you and I can help - then just ask!

Friday, 20 March 2015

Being different

Yep - I can definitely associate with this one!

'Spend time with someone who is very different from you'. I know that there are some people who wind me up and get me down. For me these people are generally negativists - I can cope with an odd sense of humour, I can absorb weird tics in character but people who are negative are like JK Rowlings Dementors in Harry Potter : it's like they suck the life out of me. I just don't want them around me. I consciously choose to avoid them or move away from them.

But today I am challenged to spend time with them...

Maybe my optimistic views are burdensome to them, perhaps my sometimes unrealistic expectations wear them down... Maybe I am weird as well.

I am made aware that we all are different and we are all equal. Spending time with others (and I have plenty of opportunity to do this in the next 48 hours) not only reminds us of how different we are but also how similar we are. Maybe the negativists don't get time to spend with positive people; maybe I should be a bit more realistic. Spending time with others changes our perspective if not our values - but sometimes they may change as well. I guess that's why actively listening to the other person becomes so important - I'm not looking for someone who is just going to agree with me but for an interaction that will shape me - and the other person.

If you are different to me then watch out - I'm looking for a conversation!

"Here’s to the crazy ones. 
The misfits. 
The rebels. 
The troublemakers. 
The round pegs in the square holes. 
The ones who see things differently. 
They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do." (Steve Jobs)

Thursday, 19 March 2015

It's a hugging good day...

There's been no blog for a couple of days - apologies for that! If I am honest it has been because I felt a bit overwhelmed with everything. Just life - but overwhelming life at times.

People are at the centre of what I do and when they are in pain I hurt as well. But it is a different type of hurting - it's a hurt that is motivating and challenging. A hurt that spurs me on - but it is still a hurt. That was what was overwhelming me.

I have been trying diligently to carry out my #40acts tasks and with some success and one or two failures but there is something really important with doing something for others - there is immediate payback for the do-er (admittedly it is sometimes an odd look that says 'you're a nutter'!). This receiving as I give is a real force multiplier, a game changer if you will.

When you come to a task like today's which is a hugging challenge it comes natural to me because I am a hugger, I like to reassure people that they are fine and valued by a simple act - and it's so much less British than a handshake. So I'm going out of my way to hug today! 

(Just for noting my hugs will be entirely in accordance with the appropriate safeguarding guidelines !)

Monday, 16 March 2015

Playing Catch-up

What a few days!

Conference, birthday, Mothers Day, worship, flights and so on.

You would think there wasn't time to catch up on a few missed #40acts tasks - but not so!

Managed to get into a conversation with smile staff members at the conference centre we were at, also made one of then laugh by calling her 'Beetlejuice' (it was funny, honest, but you had to be there).

Shared generosity with someone who was generous in return.

Experienced generosity through others for my birthday and tried to be generous to others through the opportunities of Mothers Day. I feel all caught up.

And then today's task is focused on prayer - what better way to 'recover' after such a busy time. This task, however, doesn't feel like much of a challenge though - simply praying for the people and issues that come up through my news feed on Facebook. I try to do that anyway. So today I will do so with more consideration and try to share my concern or let the individuals know I'm praying for them although I may do that discretely.

So as I head into South London today I am already to scour the screen for those things that speak to my heart and soul - and the first will be a prayer for all of those involved in #40acts this year!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

I was in prison...

One of the things that I disliked about being a minister in a local church was occasionally visiting prison. Maybe someon had requested a visit from a Salvation Army Officer, or the chaplain felt I was the right person. I never enjoyed it - or felt fulfilled by the experience. Many pastors love this aspect of ministry - I am very blessed by them for I cannot bear it.

The one moment of light relief was when I went as part of a music group to visit Swansea Prison for a Carol Service shortly after moving from Cardiff. As the inmates were led into the meeting room where we were already sitting a ripple ran through a particular area of the gathered group. One of them stood up and waved shouting 'hiya Russ' then three or four others did the same! To Prison Officers were bemused as I waved back and sheepishly said something like 'good to see you again'. These were all partners or relatives of people we had ministered with in Cardiff as we ran a Prisoners Families Support group at our Salvation Army church. 

These people were human just like me they hurt like me and the have joys just like me - it's just that they have done something that is against the law and they are paying the price. their families pay a price as well.

Today's task requires that I at least pray for prisoners or victims of domestic Violence - 0ften prisoners in their own homes. Or that it write to someone in this position, or that I keep writing.

I'll try - I don't think it will be easy... 

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

One little word

Yesterday someone apologised to me. Their 'offence' really is not important, their apology unexpected (I am not a grudge bearer). The conversation that followed was full of compassion for another colleague. Easy talk, relaxed concern.

Would it have been the same without the apology at the beginning?

I don't know but I definitely know that it wouldn't be worse. The word 'sorry' is heavy with with responsibility - use it carefully but definitely use it.

I hope that I give no one offence in any way, I hope no one begrudges some word or action of mine, but if I have offended I am truly sorry.

How about you? The liberation of one five letter word can change lives.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Something from me to you...

I am writing this blog in the evening - well, almost night really - as we spent most of yesterday travelling, finding our hotel and getting sorted out and getting ready for a four day conference which started this morning.

I did have chance, however, to read and then pray through today's #40acts challenge (read it here: ) 

It's about bargains - and anyone that knows me will know I LOVE a bargain! But it has to be a real bargain - not just something that I buy because it's cheap but something I would have bought anyway but is massively reduced. Like when I looked in a charity shop for some black shoes and found an unworn pair of black Loakes for £12. List price £130 - bargain!!!

So I have to do a bit of a buy one get one free - and pass the free one on...

No problem - I think...

Except I'm at a conference centre and everything is provided for me for the next four days! So it looks like I'll have to bank this challenge for later on, maybe at the weekend, and do it then.

However i do have something to pass on: my faith. Even though I am with forty or so senior leaders from my denomination it is too easy to get hung up on church governance and structure and forget the one that we are doing all of this for. 

Jesus - it's all about Jesus.

His generosity of living and dying reflected in our generosity of giving. So I will share what I have - the most precious gift that is mine. My devotion to Jesus.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Across generations, across the years, across the world

Very deliberately I made connections across generations yesterday - and I don't know whether any of those who contacted me is doing #40acts but that led to helpful conversations as well - even learning something into the process.

I sent FB messages to a couple of second cousins who were part of my life thirty years ago but really we haven't seen each other for at least the last twenty - I learned from one that they have children (didn't know that!) and the other will contact me today I reckon.

I discovered that one of the 'ever present' kids from our first church - you know the sort of child I mean: if the doors are open they are there - was driving through Scotland - we're going to try and meet up in the next couple of days.

And then there's the young media staff member based in our London office who, in spite of just asking when a meeting was, enabled me to develop a different approach to using our social media for ministry!

None of this is really mentoring and, honestly, I didn't have deep and meaningful conversations that were peppered with weighty silences and consideration was given wisdom and insight shared. It was, however, good to connect and reconnect. Undoubtedly there are more conversations and shared life to come.

It also caused me to think about a boy I met in Paraguay last year who, along with the other children at the centre where he attended because his home life was so difficult, held the record for learning the most memory verses. In excess of fifty verses had been committed to a mind that had witnessed the depths of poverty and despair. He had done what the Bible says to do and 'filled his mind with whatever is pure, noble, upright... Etc'. As today is about sharing scripture and yesterday was about crossing generations the thought of that youngster comes fresh as an example of someone I should have learned from...

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Caught out!

I knew this would happen! I love the approach that #40acts takes with the approach to generosity and being a more generous person. Using Lent as a time to give out not give up is great.

But those sneaky people at Stewardship who organise and prepare #40acts occasionally put something in that throws me a bit off balance - and today is that day.

The idea is not a problem - spend time with someone of a different generation. Share wisdom together. That's all fine until the dreaded word "Mentor" is used...

I have on my office wall a quote for entrepreneur Jo Malone 'don't have a mentor, be your own person, have your own ideas, make your own decision' (or something very similar to that. It's there because, frankly, it's what I think...

Having said that there are those who have asked me to mentor them - and we have met and shared coffee and conversation, there are also those who I have spent time with and really benefitted from their knowledge, wisdom and experience. But Mentoring - not for me - it's all too formal and not organic but it works for some no doubt.

So today I have to adapt the task into my own experience and to do that will not be a problem - it also means that I can follow up on yesterday's task of listening to the Holy Spirit - and making contact with someone from a different generation.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

More Plastic - and more Prompting!

I started to carry out a 'plastic inventory' as part of yesterday's task:

Milk Bottle,
toothpaste tube,
Light switch,
Recycling box(!)
Wheelie Bin (!!)
Car dash board (actually a large amount of the car)

The list goes on and on...

I even bought some metal screws from a hardware shop and they were in a little plastic bag - as if they were going to be protected by it! Obviously it was used to keep them together.

As I became more aware because I was consciously looking for the plastic I became more concerned at the over use of this very versatile product. Equally concerned that people sleep walk into using plastic unnecessarily. Fortunately we have a cost attached to plastic carriers in Scotland. I would always avoid usin one in favour of a personal bag anyway - but nowadays you see many less supermarket bags. So that's good - but I guess it's often because of the accumulated added cost rather than some newfound Eco-awareness that may be going on.

Awareness - that's the key for me. This is my fathers world - I don't want to mess it up or break it, or even add to someone else's mess. Awareness for me means changing habits of a lifetime and looking after this amazing space He has provided for us. So I'm still going to try to ditch even more plastic and be careful with the resources that are mine - because they are a gift from Him.

That 'Awareness' needs to move beyond the resources and out to the people in this world, being aware of opportunities - or rather promptings from the Holy Spirit - to help others, make their day easier, their burden of life a little lighter.

When Catherine preaches she will sometimes say that if we are walking closely with God the first response to a situation will be spiritual because Jesus is within us, then almost immediately our selfish voice persuades us away from and action. 'Go with the first voice - it's God' she will say. 

How many people have gone without because I have not responded generously at God's instruction? Today I am on high alert to hear and act...

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Plastic: not just a flexible friend but a friend for life!

So yesterday was about encouraging and thanking people and today is about not scooping up the earths resources and devouring them in unthinking ways (presumably if we thought a bit more we wouldn't use them so aggressively!). Particularly I am being encouraged to ditch the plastic...

Well yesterday I was able to give a little 'thank you' gift to five of my colleagues who often come in for a hard time because of the nature of the work they do - bricks and mortar can be very unexciting and quite frustrating for those not 'in the know'. So I shared some chocolate with them. Also I had five interviews/significant conversations with folks yesterday. And in all of them I really looked for the excellent work that had been done as they fed back - and it was no problem. They are great people, humble people, who do what they do because of the. God they serve - I heard myself saying a number of times in the conversations "thanks - that's excellent work" it wasn't difficult because it was the truth.
Thanking people is pretty much a default setting of mine so it's not difficult to do especially, today I want to ramp it up a bit and write out to a few people I don't see very often and than them...

Today's 'real' task from #40acts is to reduce my consumption of plastic - and other things that eat up the resources of the earth. So here are some targets: I will use a glass or mug not a plastic cup. I will not use a plastic carrier (I rarely do so not a real challenge), I will go through all the bins in the house and and separate plastics and paper and glass and make sure what needs recycling gets recycled.

I'll also monitor (and maybe take a picture of) all the plastic that goes through my hands in the day - and really be mindful about it's use and abuse - and try not to add to the problem!

Monday, 2 March 2015

Happy 'catch up' New Year!

If you share regularly in this blog - and I have no idea who does or doesn't read it apart from the occasional 'favourite' or RT on Twitter or a 'like' or short comment on Facebook - you will know that principally, at this time of year it is a journey through Lent reflecting on #40acts activities.

The last few days have been very strange in my life as we said goodbye to my Father in Law and celebrated his life in his funeral and celebration service last Thursday. As a result of these events myself and Catherine decided that we would treat March 1st as New Years Day and move on. It has already proved to be a cathartic thing to do. We are now looking forward to this new year as one of hope and optimism having left the old one of sickness and sadness in the past. 

However, what cannot be changed, is the incredible generosity we have experienced along with other members of our family. It's indicative that generosity is for life not just for Lent! From the cousin who loaned a pair of black shoes to one of my sons who had forgotten his,  to the church where we held the celebration not accepting any payment for the mass of refreshments for the three hundred or so folks who attended. We have be recipients of great generosity given graciously.

It is a model that I can learn from and reflect on as I strive to be more generous as I get on with life.

So I have some catching up to do - some post-it notes to leave, a gift to give and an engagement across cultural boundaries. They'll all happen because God has awakened in me a spirit of generosity through #40acts, I have experienced generosity through his Spirit in others and I have plenty of opportunities ahead of me!

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Thanks and Goodbye...

Well there's a title that will encourage people to read!

Just thinking and working through the whole #40acts task for today and yesterday and it felt that those two expressions sum up well what I need to be doing. 

So quite apart from those people who I needs to say thank you to yesterday because they made a meal or coffee or some other provision made - and I hope I thanked them well and sincerely, I was certainly mindful of trying to - I wanted to look back and thank through this medium those who have made me who I am. Some have influenced my mental development or physical progress, many have helped me grow spiritually. Each of these people have my admiration, my love and most importantly my heartfelt thanks:

David and Margaret Wyles 
Joyce Smith 
Catherine Wyles
Linda Hasking
Kath and Derek Dolling
Alan Bateman
Steve Pallant
Estelle Blake
John and Freda Larsson
George Pilkington 
Wendy and Melvyn Knott
Jack Tutton
Peter and Brenda Ward
Mike and Joan Parker

I am sure there are others but these spring immediately to mind and I am grateful from the depth of my heart and thank God for these people.

Now what about the 'Goodbye '?

I like nice things - I have some very nice things - but they are only things. Over the next few days I am going to identify some things to move on - maybe as gifts to those who may appreciate them, maybe into a charity shop - sharing what is valued by me is a good way of letting others know that they are more precious than all the stuff in the world.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Thank you!

Thankfulness. Appreciativeness. Gratitude.

Saying "thank you" is something I do every day many times. When someone opens a door, when someone makes me a cup of coffee, when I receive service in a shop or restaurant. Often in emails to those in ministry with me. Thank you is part of my 'staple verbal diet'.

I think that whenever I say it I really mean it. But sometimes it may be an automatic reaction - and it should be that whenever someone does something I appreciate that I do say the words - but maybe I should just hit my internal pause button so that I am really registering what they have done and why they have done it.

Sometimes people do things simply because they happen to be in the right place, other people do things because they are being paid to do so, yet again others do things because they want to serve, even in some small way. I guess most of these don't do it for thanks but simply from their own humanity.

I am currently on a spiritual retreat with other church leaders. There are ample opportunities to say 'thank you' to those who are serving us and to my friends here. I also have the space and time to think seriously about what I am saying and my motivation in saying it. Perhaps through this task I will deepen not only my appreciation of others but possibly my relationship with them.

Maybe tomorrow I'll list out those who I was able to thank - hopefully the list will be too long!

Monday, 23 February 2015

Is it fair?

Today's #40acts is about using fair trade. To help they have quoted one of my favourite verses from Micah:
 "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Micah 6:8 (NIV)

Just after I read today's task I worked through my normal devotional pattern and came across words from Leviticus (if I'm honest not a book that I turn to regularly !) and there were words about ensuring that people act with justice especially the workman and his pay.

There was a time when I received a document from my church administrator which argued against the use of fair trade coffee. It was during the time when, if we're honest, most fair trade products tasted pretty bad but made us feel good by using them. So I read the document, which was quite compelling, and then asked him to buy a bulk tin of Nescafé. When it arrived we decanted the Nescafé out and replaced it with fair trade coffee. No one ever commented!

I know what some people will think - deceptive, sly - and they would be right. I don't defend my actions for my sake but for the sake of the labourer who is worth their pay.

There are high street shops that I refuse to buy from because their fair trade track record is very poor. There are others I would avoid if possible as well.

So today's task is maybe something I try to embrace already - why don't you?

Friday, 20 February 2015

Have a chat...

Yesterday's #40acts task was to get into conversation with someone we wouldn't normally talk to and be generous with our time and listening...

This would not normally be a problem for me - I like to chat with pretty much anyone! In a queue, walking down the street, the waiter or waitress in a restaurant. I like to have a conversation with people - and people are fascinating.

This would be an easy task - or so I thought!

You need to know I had to travel yesterday from Glasgow to London for a meeting and then, of course return. Lots of people - no problem.

Nice chat with the baristas in the coffee shop at the airport. But very early and a bit lightweight in content.

On the flight - wouldn't you believe it! For the first time in as long as I can recall I was sat by myself on the flight!

On the train to my destination was my next opportunity. A lady sat down next to me and coughed vociferously. 'That sounds like a nasty cough. Are you OK?' 'Fine'. Conversation over !

I got to my meeting just as it started and we worked through coffee break and during lunch I was phoned three times. This was proving much more difficult than I ever thought. I heede to leave early to train/plane back to Glasgow.

And then Stephen turned up. He had arrived as I had at the meeting, we'd said hushed 'good mornings' as the meeting started and quick 'Great sandwiches!' at lunchtime but that was it. But because he was travelling back to Belfast he, too, needed to leave early he caught up with me at the railway station and we started to chat. He was a real blessing to me, he listened, he talked of his own preparation for ministry, what he had gained from our meeting through the day. We got separated on the very busy train and I thought I would catch him at the airport to talk some more but I couldn't see him anywhere.

So today I have given myself an additional task - to contact Stephen, thank him for the conversation and to build a friendship with him for the future.

Today's task is about litter picking - surely that must be easier!

Wednesday, 18 February 2015


As some of you will know I will be following #40acts once again this year through Lent. Last year I found this to be a very enriching experience and helped me to keep looking out wards in my life, to be giving out through Lent as well as, possibly, giving up. The whole idea of being generous appeals to me because I have sen the difference that generosity makes. When people around you are generous it isn't difficult to be generous as a reflection of those actions.

Today I will scope out my generosity plan and probably share it tomorrow but before I do that I just want to stop and consider a few things...

Last Thursday morning my Father in Law died. Quite suddenly as we had been speaking to him the day previously about him leaving hospital. He was looking forward to getting back to his little bungalow and getting on with life. I guess when he woke up in heaven he was as surprised as we were. 

We were devastated. In the last six days many tears have fallen, there has been some laughter, undoubtedly lots of memories. Throughout it all my family have been the recipients of great generosity. You can imagine the many cards we have received, phone calls, texts, emails from all parts of the world. Everyone a blessing. Flowers arriving bring beauty to a place of sadness.

And then there are those who will say nothing, a squeeze of the hand or shoulder, the look that says 'I know'. 

People's generosity in other practical, tangible ways have made the last few days easier as has generosity in the last few months made the passage easier - Derek was able to spend a blessed holiday with his adoring daughter, my wife, Catherine, because of incredible generosity. Catherine could share a meal and laughter with precious friends while she was visiting him in hospital on a daily basis.

We have experienced in earthly terms great generosity - and because of God's great generous heart we got to spend time with this giant of faith for much of our lives.

So, having received at first hand, it's time to focus on giving out as well as giving up. 

I'm off to make a plan!