Friday, 30 May 2014


I have been prompted to see if there is anything in my life that needs 'unlearning'.

Now there's a phrase! 'Unlearning' - I don't even know what it means!!!

I heard recently something that confirmed my suspicions about the human mind: it is effectively infinite... In other words you don't run out of storage, it can recal a sequence of events as one event, it can add or take out colour, sound, smell (yes), and even to some degree touch and physical response to that single memory. It is an incredible thing.

But we still forget things!

So if this incredible creative 'engine' is ours and it has immense potential for learning, surely, harnessing it's strength means we can 'unlearn' things as well?

Or is it actually much more simple than that?

Are there things and habits in my life that I need to modify to such a degree that I have unlearned why and how I originally did them?

This is where spirituality comes in. As a Christian I believed all things are redeemable - it's Biblical. So if I have a bad habit, a bad attitude, or bad practice they are redeemable. They can be changed completely by God's Holy Spirit working in me. 

So today, and for the next few days, I'll be paying attention to the things I do and say and, God willing, unlearning, rewinding and rewriting the script of life so that, in future, I look more like Him than me.

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