Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Communicating Grace

So, here I am at Hothorpe Hall attending the training event for Salvation Army Divisional Leaders. We are looking especially at communication and brushing up on some communication skills. The two guys presenting - Rob (Bill Oddie lookalike) and Former PGA Pro, Richard - are communicating with us excellently, encouraging and enabling each in the communication stream. These two 'Kiwis' are grace personified and have drawn out from everyone in the group some of the most moving presentations on our own story, narrative on given topics as well as a presentation on 'our passion'. It would be hard to describe here the depth et have drawn from each officer.

My prayer us that all of us will apply the lessons to communicate powerful stories that tell the Jesus story - for me it. As been important to develop some of these skills as I feel my preaching has been 'off the boil' of late and people have been gracious enough to still accept the words offered.

Grace turns up either in the giving or receiving of the word because it is. The living word of God not the words of man.

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