Thursday 14 February 2013

Ashes and Light

Wednesday of this week was Ash Wednesday, the day before was, of course Shrove Tuesday and on this occasion the day afterwards: Valentines Day.

Depending on your tradition, religious background or relationships these three days will have varying impact on you. I remember the days of my youth of many pancakes and no valentines cards. I don't recall ever seeing anyone with the ah dust on their forehead from is acknowledgement of the first day of Lent. Is that because we like to emphasise the positives, the celebration of life, the indulgence of the world rather than the solemnity of the Soul. As God's people this is no real surprise. The context of our life and ministry is to be life affirming and recognise our place in the world. We like to both enjoy life as well as help those around us recognise that being a Christian is not a dull and dour experience.

We also know that our living a a blend of light and shade. Christ in us enables us to recognise this as His gift. As the 'Light of the World' He makes sense of the very serious business of following Him and so some of us use the season of ashes, Lent, as a time for Spiritual development through a specific devotional approach, a period of abstinence, or a time of particular focus. Through it all His light illuminates the way we take. The journey through Lent darkens as we approach the trauma of Good Friday, but the gleam of the Christlight guides through the way.

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