Monday 13 October 2008

What a weekend!

No not partying 'til I drop but following that sometimes narrow road up to the Caithness Coast, spending time with my boys and lovely wife who is thankfully getting stronger by the day although tiring very quickly.
Spending time with good people and remembering that experience is no preparation for personal pain particularly when someone is taken from us - their earthly life coming to an end their eternal life continuing but those who have ministered to them as friends are left with real pain and the challenge of continuing in relevant ministry, yet our God who calls home is the same God who equips for the day to day ministry of caring that continues. A new friend of mine is in my prayers as he faces the prospect of ongoing care for family members as well as pastoral care for others around the fellowship.
Having thought a lot about death in recent days I am now convinced more than ever of God's overall control and our utter helplessness in the face of that plan so that our faith is all we are left with - that and the knowledge that it is not until Jesus is all we have that we realise that he really is all we need.

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