Monday, 20 October 2008

Christian Soldiers: Soul Martyrs

Today I heard on the radio and subsequently saw on the internet the story of Gayle Williams who has been shot by the Taliban. her alledged crime was 'Spreading Christianity'. Her Christian humanitarian work for the charity 'Serve Afghanistan' was offerred to all regardless of religion or nationality. A spokesman for the charity said 'God loves people so we love people'. That was what cost Gayle her life: her love for mankind.

Just a matter of months ago Colonel Bo Brekke was gunned down in his office shortly after taking part in a worship service. The story goes that he was killed for taking a principled stand - the case is yet to be tried.

These two individuals - and countless others - driven by the gospel call to serve all of mankind have paid the true cost and gained their reward: 'To live is Christ and to die is gain' (Philippians 1:21). Both can be rightly and properly called Christian Soldiers and martyred because of God's guidance upon their soul. No one would want these deaths to occur. Not one person wants another to suffer in the name of Christ - but his living and teaching always let his followers know that the road would not be smooth. For those of his followers whose lives are easy the example of Bo Brekke and Gayle Williams serves to remind each one of us - today is the day we serve Christ. It will be costly to be a disciple and the company of followers gone before who have died in spiritual combat deserve our remebrance of their suffering as an inspiration for our sacrificial serve.

Thank God for our Soul Martyrs - Well done good and faithful servants.

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