Friday 9 May 2008

Oh well...

I never said it would be easy. I was warned by others. My expectations were raised then dashed without a care for my own feelings. What am I on about?... blogging of course!

I see so many people I know that blog away to their hearts content exercising a diligence in getting their thoughts onto the page with fluid expressions of feeling and astute and often witty comment (Gordon Cotterill on Boots '08 particularly so!) and yet I have had numerous false starts. This might be another one but hey - I guess I'm probably in the majority if that does turn out to be the case!!

I got into facebook in a real and meaningful way - met up with some people I haven't seen for years - fantastic! (I just have to stop joining groups that I don't really want to be in now) so why has blogging been so difficult for me? Maybe I'm just trying to be too clever when really I'm just a simple individual.

Anyway I'll keep this space (although nothingmay occur!)

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