Friday, 9 May 2008

Momentous Achievement

Well today was a spectacular day for me personally. It was the day that I received an e mail from Cliff College to tell me that my MA dissertation has been passed by the internal examiners. It has caused me to explore many things about my calling and about my relationships with others not least of all my friends - 'friendship and faith' being the subject of the dissertation.

Mission has been at the heart of this thinking. If I am not sharing faith with friends I am failing in my mission. If I have no friends who are as yet unsaved do I have a mission - I can't make friends as 'projects' to win and then be left to fend for themselves. Although that appears to be what many people do in the church (you'll need to read the full text to really get a grip on that one!!)

Through formal studies I have a renewed spirit myself and a renewed heart for mission and reaching out to the lost - some of whom are within the church.

So the family are now saying 'go on you've got to do the Doctorate' but I really can't see myself in a surgery saying 'take two paracetamol daily and your evangelism will be better within the month'

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